Recent Jobs

Phoenix, AZ: Cleaning Sofa

Sofas are comfortable, affordable and convenient, many living rooms now have them. Sometimes, families do not realize how much dirt a sofa can attract. Routine cleaning is a must if you wish to keep your sofa clean and presentable. Always test a cleaning method in an...

Burn Mark: Carpet Repair in Peoria, AZ

Hot iron, cigarettes and hot hair straighteners have the ability to burn you if you are not careful. But they can also damage your carpet if they accidentally come in contact with it. A burn mark of any size on the carpet is a nuisance. Before hiring someone, make...

Scottsdale, AZ: Carpet Cleaning in the East Valley

Hiring a company who is not equipped to do the job can easily turn into a bad experience for you. We use only the top products and the top equipment when we come to clean your carpet. We have a power truck mounted carpet cleaning unit that allows us to steam clean...

Stairs: Carpet Repair in Scottsdale, AZ

Living with damaged carpet can be stressful. You should always get the area repaired right away, but we also understand that it is sometimes necessary to wait to get your carpet repaired due to the various events that happen in our lives. Most of the damaged done to...

Repairing Pet Damage in Phoenix, AZ

If you live with a pet, then you've probably repaired or clean your carpet because of something they did. We love our pets, but they can really do damage to carpet. Majority of the phone calls we receive are from households who are looking to repair their carpet from...

Carpet Repair in Mesa, AZ

There are several reasons why an individual might need carpet repair: burn marks, pet damage, spilled juice, etc. Usually, pets and small children are to blame for the majority of the carpet repairs we perform. But sometimes carpet needs to be repaired due to normal...

Repairing Carpet on Stairs in Phoenix, AZ

It can be difficult to repair carpet on a staircase. Stairs are considered an heavy traffic area, so normal wear and tear can cause the carpet to start falling apart. When this starts to happen inside your home, your first option should be to repair it. You will save...

Scottsdale, AZ: Repairing Carpet in Doorway

Damaged carpet inside your home can make the whole house look bad. When hiring someone to  get your carpet repaired, be sure to hire someone who is qualified to do the work. Hiring a company who is not certified can make the problem worse. Our customer in...

Carpet Cleaning in Paradise Valley, AZ

Don't keep putting off your carpet cleaning for another day. The more you procrastinate, the dirtier your carpets become. Dirty carpet have a negative impact on the room. It doesn't look good when you have guests over and there are stains and certain areas of your...

Pet Damage: Carpet Repair in Scottsdale, AZ

If you live with children or pets, then we recommend that you professionally clean your carpet at least twice a year. But when you have a carpet repair, we recommend that you repair the area right away before damage becomes larger, making the price to repair more...