New IICRC Certification!

Our owner, Robert Atlas, is not only IICRC certified in Carpet Repair & Reinstallation but is now also IICRC certified in Water Damage Restoration. IICRC stands for Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification. If you are wondering what a...

Chandler, AZ: Carpet Cleaning

Did you know that cleaning your carpet on a regular basis can prolong the life of your carpet? We use a truck-mounted hot water, steam extraction cleaner with a neutral rinse to provide a zero residue finish. If you wish to keep your carpet as long as possible make...

Phoenix, AZ: Carpet Cleaning

Did you know that cleaning your carpet on a regular basis can prolong the life of your carpet? If you live in a household with multiple people, young children and or pets the average lifespan of the carpet inside that home is 3-5 years. We have done multiple cleanings...

Mesa, AZ: Carpet Repair

Carpet repair  at a carpet-to-tile transition can be a safety hazard. We can repair your damaged carpet using an extra remnant that you have onsite or by taking a section of carpet from the back of a closet. We can typically have a technician out to your home within...

Phoenix, AZ: Carpet Cleaning

Heavy traffic can really cause a lot of wear and tear to your carpet over time, especially if you do not clean your carpet on a regular basis. Heavy traffic areas should be vacuumed daily and professionally cleaned every 12-18 months. Our customer in Phoenix needed...